September 20, 2010

5 Myths of Metabolism

To make it easier to lose weight, metabolism system must be running with optimal functionality. Unfortunately, there are some myths that are often considered to be true metabolism and can be misleading.

Quoted from AskMen, Tuesday (09/21/2010), the following five myths about metabolism that is often believed the truth:

1. Myth, eating before bedtime can increase body fat

Metabolism myths most often considered to be true is the food eaten before bedtime are automatically converted into fat. In fact, determining whether the food turn into fat body or not is total calorie intake during the whole day, not just the food you eat at night.

People okay to eat before bed, just watch the calories you put into your body. Do not let your calorie intake exceeds the body's daily caloric needs, because the consumption of high calorie foods is what usually triggers the accumulation of fat in the evenings.

2. Myth, eating more often will accelerate your metabolism

Another common myth is that eating more often will increase metabolism. In fact, there are some people who think that eating six times a day can speed up the metabolism, but this is false information.

The point to remember, your metabolism will increase each time the food they eat. This increase was influenced by how many foods contain carbohydrates and fats you eat.

3. Myth, low-carbohydrate diet can lower fat faster

When you start a diet low in carbohydrates, burning in the body to produce energy is replaced by the so-called ketosis fat reserves. Many people believe that this may accelerate fat burning.

But this is not true. Low-carbohydrate diets are to control hunger, but in the metabolic system do not bring any effect. In fact, if your carb diet for too long, could lower carbohydrate metabolism because it is a major macronutrients that affect the thyroid gland.

4. Myth, carbohydrates and fats should not be eaten together

Many people believe that to avoid eating carbohydrates and fat together can lose weight effectively. This belief comes from the assumption that when carbohydrates and fats used for energy consumed at the same time, the fat will soon be turned into body fat.

When it should be more concerned with the balance of the total energy. If someone ate the food and the body requires energy, the body will use what is available, either from carbohydrate or fat. It is true that carbohydrates are used first, but if the carbs do not meet energy requirements, then the body will take it from fat.

The only time to avoid consumes carbohydrates along with fat is a before and after exercise. This is because at the moment, the fat will slow the body's digestive system and reduces carbohydrate absorption by muscle cells.

5. Myth, metabolism would decrease automatically with age.

The main reasons that slow down your metabolism as you grow older is the loss of muscle mass. But if you regularly exercise and weight training, then it can be prevented once can lose weight.

You may experience a small decline in metabolism over time, but if you keep exercising and eating right, then the problem of decrease in metabolism is not a big thing.

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