September 09, 2010

Stay healthy on Eid for Diabetics

For Muslim, Idul Fitri Celebration or called "Ied" will soon arrive and usually on the same day, its presented with many foods and sweets that very tempting for you. Then how you act if you are diabetics, could you stay healthy in this Ied Celebration?

"There is no presumption of "eid" if you do not eat cake. For people with diabetes should only eat sweets, but the amount should be measured properly, should not be arbitrary and not too much," said Dr. Sandra Utami Widiastuti, SpPD , Thursday (09/09/2010).

Furthermore, Dr. Sandra said on Ied, cakes usually contain with high levels of carbohydrates and sugar, because it is not exaggerated to compensate, so for people with diabetes should limit or reduce the intake of carbohydrates and sugar than other food sources.

Because if one ignores all the existing restrictions, it will be at risk of increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) or uncontrolled blood sugar. This situation will certainly lead to diabetes complications, both acute (rapid) or chronic (long-term take).

Acute complications that may arise is a difficult infection healed, hiperglikemik coma (coma resulting from a person's blood sugar level is very high) is usually characterized by symptoms of thirst faster, more drinking and more limp body. While for chronic complications such as abnormal blood vessel smooth (mikroangiopati), disorders of the eyes (retinopathy), kidney disease (nephropathy), stroke or heart attack.

"To counterbalance this, diabetics should still exercise regularly and do not forget to consume drugs or insulin," said the doctors who practice in Kebun Jeruk Siloam Hospital.

Dr. Sandra also advised diabetics to monitor blood glucose levels independently, for example morning moments before and after meals, during the day time before and after meals or at night time before and after meals.

"It could also be done by random measurement, usually people with diabetes have been told by doctors at any time of monitoring. In addition, diabetic patients should also check their blood sugar if you have symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia," She said.

Therefore, although Lebaran identical with cakes and sweets are tempting, people with diabetes still have to be careful in taking care of its diet. Try not to eat excessively, continue to exercise regularly, routinely taking the drug and to control blood sugar. This is to prevent complications that may arise.

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