March 31, 2011

Lose Weight with colored food

Many ways can be done to lose weight. The way this one might be able to attract the attention you are losing weight with colorful foods. How do I?

Eating a variety of colorful foods to ensure the body get different nutrients and vitamins essential for overall health.

In addition, colorful foods derived from various fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, it is important to lose weight but still satisfying hunger.

Entering fruits and vegetables fresh red, yellow, orange, green, and purple in your daily menu, can be one way to lose weight.

Here are some ways combine the vibrant colors of foods to your diet, as reported by FoxNews, Friday (25/03/2011):


1. Add fresh blueberries, strawberries or raspberries on your oatmeal or breakfast cereal
2. Use a frozen banana or young spinach to make a smoothie
3. Add chopped tomatoes and green peppers to scrambled eggs
4. Add peanut butter and sliced ​​Granny Smith apples on a piece of toast.


1. Add more vegetables in sandwiches such as cucumber slices, sprouts, shredded carrots and arugula (salad leaf).
2. Use hummus (Middle Eastern jam) as a substitute mustard
3. As a snack, eat kale chips instead of potato chips.
4. Add broccoli bake homemade muffins to pizza.


1. Bake the vegetables and add to pasta dishes and salads
2. Add chopped broccoli or cauliflower for spaghetti sauce
3. Add dried fruit and nuts for the rice pilaf (rice seasoned typical of the Middle East)
4. Fruit own pizza by adding lots of fresh vegetables and condiments on top.

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